One of the most detailed step-by-step guide ever to setup Android with Eclipse Juno on Windows 7 and run your first Android Hello World Application
Who is this guide for?This guide is for anyone (especially Non-JAVA people from MS world like me), looking for help to setup Android Development Environment on a Windows 7 box.
This tutorial (pretty detailed) will help you installing all required software and run a simple Android Hello World project on Android 2.3.3 emulator. When I thought to learn Android (few weeks ago), being accustomed to .msi file double clicks for installation, found Android setup a little less easy. But if you go through this document carefully, setting up android development environment on Windows 7 will be a breeze.
Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
What all this guide covers
- How to install JDK 7(JAVA Development Kit)
- How to install Eclipse Juno (Free IDE for JAVA like paid Visual Studio is there for .NET)
- How to install ADT Plugin (Android development plugin is extension to Eclipse to work with Android projects)
- How to install Android SDK 20.0.3(Library and developer tools for making Android Apps)
- How to create AVD (Android Virtual Device a.k.a. Emulator, to run applications)
- How to create "Hello World" android project and run it on Emulator
You'll also find resolution to installation issues like:
| A java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development kit (JDK) must
| be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found
| after searching the following locations: C:\eclipse\jre\javaw.exe
| javaw.exe in your current PATH
| This template depends on the Android Support library, which
| is either not installed, or template depends on a more recent
| version than the one you have installed
Its too big for blog post (~25 pages due to lot of screenshots), hence I've created a PDF instead!
Hope it helps someone!!
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P.S.: If you didn't find this useful, I'd appreciate a comment for the same too, so that I can improve it!
Its too big for blog post (~25 pages due to lot of screenshots), hence I've created a PDF instead!
Hope it helps someone!!

Over 200 downloads but no comments.. :(
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P.S.: If you didn't find this useful, I'd appreciate a comment for the same too, so that I can improve it!
Thanks. Quite helpful!
DeleteUnable to download man.can you give alternative link pleases.